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City Council Meeting 01/08/2008
Auburn City Council
Meeting #2
January 10, 2008

Business Meeting

Roll Call – Councilors Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill, present.  

Staff Members Present – Mark Palesh, City Manager; Michele Godfrey, Deputy City Clerk; Lisa Green, Comptroller; John Rossi, Corporation Counsel; Jennifer Haines, Planning Director; Crystal Purcell, Planning & Economic Development Program Manager; Michael Hammon, Fire Chief; Mike Long, CIP Manager.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Mayor Quill asks for a moment of silence.  The Mayor said a few words in memory of Charles Savage Jr. (previous City Clerk) and Joseph T. Giannotta (father of Police Chief Giannotta).

Public to be Heard

Zinc LaDouce, 62 Mary St. – spoke to council regarding the meeting held on January 7, 2008 concerning the clubhouse at Clifford Park.  Mr. LaDouce asked council to take the necessary steps to restore the clubhouse and submitted signed petitions to the City Manager in favor of doing so.  Mayor Quill asked Mr. LaDouce to wrap up his comments since his three minutes was up.    

Mary Lou Picciano, 32 Cayuga St. – spoke to council regarding issues with the Auburn Police Department.

Robert Hunter, 33 Gaylord St. – continued the speech that Mr. LaDouce has prepared for Council regarding the restoration of the clubhouse at Clifford Park.

Presentations and Proclamations – None.

Public Announcements – Clerk Read.

City Managers Report

Mr. Palesh reported on the following:

·       He spoke to the Stardust Foundation regarding changes to the downtown area.  He will present this to council in a few weeks.
·       RFP’s for the Landfill and Garbage Collection were opened this week.  There weren’t any RFP’s submitted for the Landfill but they did receive four bids for garbage collection.  He will report back to council on this.
·       He received a call from the American Kennel Club in regards to the proposed dog ordinance.  They have requested to work with the city in developing a new ordinance and he has agreed to do so.
·       He met with Congressman Arcuri when he visited Auburn and went over the City’s wish list with him at that time.

Report of City Officials

Mayor Quill stated that he and Councilor McNabb attended the Governor’s State of the State Address in Albany this week.  He believes the Governor has many ideas that will benefit the City of Auburn.  Some of his ideas include a revitalization fund for Upstate New York, pushing to lower the cap on property taxes in regards to school taxes, and he is proposing a bill for one hundred million dollars to be used towards updating state and local parks.

Committee Reports - None

Presentation of Petition and Communications – Clerk read.

Ordinances - None


Financial Resolution #1 of 2008 authorizing adoption of the 2008 County Tax Rate within the City of Auburn. Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower, and Mayor Quill – aye.  Passed

Appointment Resolution #2 of 2008 authorizing appointments and re-appointments to the City of Auburn Municipal Power Agency.  Before the vote Mayor Quill stated that he will be abstaining from this vote since he is related to one of the individuals being appointed.  Councilor Smith said he will also abstain since he is being appointed.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Brower – aye.  Councilor Smith and Mayor Quill - abstain  Passed

Council Resolution #3 of 2008 authorizing a Public Hearing to be held on Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the CDBG 2008-2009 Action Plan. Prior to the vote Mayor Quill invited Jenny Haines and Crystal Purcell, both from the planning office, to come forward and speak about CDBG.  Ms. Purcell and Ms. Haines gave a brief overview of CDBG.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower, and Mayor Quill – aye.   Passed

Agreement Resolution #4 of 2008 authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement to apply for the Municipal Conversion of the current Ambulance Operating Certificate.  Fire Chief Hammon and Lon Fricano from TLC Ambulance, Inc. explained the Certificate of Need process to council.  Vote:  Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – aye.  Passed

Local Law - None

Tabled Legislation - None

Other Business -  None

Recap – Clerk Read

Council adjourned at 7:00PM.